Fearless Fitness
ISSA Certified Personal Trainer

Fitness Services

Light Your Fire Group Workout Monday/ Wednesday

Light your fire with a great workout that includes cardio and mixed weights for all fitness levels. Group fitness style circuit training. Classes are currently offered on Mondays and Wednesdays at 10am.

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Cardio Drumming

Cardio drumming is great full-body cardio jam session, combining light resistance with constant simulated drumming. The workout is about a 45-minute series. Burn between 400 and 900+ calories per hour, strengthen and sculpt infrequently used muscles, and drum your way to a leaner, slimmer physique - all while rocking out to your favorite music!

Classes are offered by the single workout or the 6 week program. Current days and times include Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 10am, Tuesday evenings at 6pm, Thursday evenings at 6pm or Saturday mornings at 9:15am. You do need to bring your own towel and water to class. 

Class fee includes the Yoga ball, bucket and drum sticks. A single workout is $6 or join by the 6 week program (2 times a week) for only $36.

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Rapid Fire Group Workout Saturday

Get a rapid workout in the for the weekend with total cardio for all fitness levels. Group fitness style includes circuit training and or rotation station. Classes are currently offered on Saturdays at 8am. 

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Private Sessions

60 minutes: varies

One-on-One personal training in a private studio. Session will be unique to the client's goals and abilities. We have different pricing packages to fit your needs and budget.

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Fuel Your Fire Group Workout Tuesday/Thursday

Fuel your fire with a great workout that includes cardio and mixed weights for all fitness levels. Group fitness style rotation station and circuit training. Classes are currently offered on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8am. 

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Virtual Training

60: varies

Fitness classes for on-line, virtual attendance options.

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Power Hour Group Workout Monday/Wednesday

This class focuses on strength and weight training. No cardio.  We use various equipment throughout the duration of the class.  All levels are welcome.   You will be trained on proper and correct form for strength conditioning. 

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Rise and Boom Group Workout Mondays/ Wednesdays

This class is high-intensity with lots of movements.  Training is half hour long and will consist of various types of equipment and movements.  

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Gym Membership only

We offer a full service gym with treadmills, barbell, free weights, bioforce machine, bands, balls, and so much more to fit your exercise goals.  

Open Gym Hours:

Mon & Wed: 6am- 1pm & 3pm-7pm

Tues & Thurs: 8am-1pm & 3pm-7pm

Fri: 8am- 1pm

Sat: 7:30 am-10:30 am 

Sun: Closed


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Mommy & Me Cardio Drumming on Wednesdays at 5:15PM

35-40 minutes: $36 for 4 weeks

Bring your mini me for cardio drumming with you.  Ages 6 and up.  Mom gets a workout along with kiddo too.  This class enhances coordination, focus, and motor skills for children as well.  You move to the beat of the music with drumsticks on a yoga ball and a bucket, following an instructor while listening to popular music.  Super fun and not at all like a regula workout.

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New Class!! Lunch Crunch on Wednesdays/ Fridays

This class is a mini version of Power Hour.  It focuses on full body strength training.  No cardio.  The class will be offered from 11 am to 12:30pm.  You are to come in anytime during that time frame and coach will be available onsite to help you and show all the moves. This class is designed to work your own pace with your own comfort in equipment and weight settings.  

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